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    1 Author(s):  ANCHAL

Vol -  4, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 425 - 430  (2013 ) DOI :


Secessionism is a major unity challenge which exists in both federal and non-federal regimes. It can occur due to the major divisions of identity along class, language, ethnicity, religion and other lines. Some times these major divisions lead to separatist movement. The advocators of unitary form of government believed that the unity and integrity of the country can be preserved under the unitary regimes. However, they did not consider the examples like: “The Irish movement of Home Rule in nineteenth- century Britain, the long civil war in South Sudan, the Basque insurgency under Franco in Spain, which all lead to major unity challenge in unitary countries” . Historically, separatist movements have prevalent in unitary countries as well. No doubt, federations also faced unity challenges, like, the civil war in United States and separatist movement by Quebec in Canada.

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  10. Kingsley, P., “Londonderry Revisited”, Belfast Publication, Belfast, 1989
  11. Liechtey, J., “Foots of Sectarianism in Ireland”, Belfast Publication, Belfast, 1993
  12. Mac Donagh, Oliver, “Ireland: The Union and its Aftermath”, London, 1977
  13. Murphy, J.A., “Ireland in the 20th Century”, Gill and Macmillan, Dublin, 1972 
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  16. Watts, Ronald, “Comparing Federal System” III ed., Queens University, Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication, 2008

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