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    1 Author(s):  MANJIT KAUR

Vol -  5, Issue- 4 ,         Page(s) : 15 - 24  (2014 ) DOI :


The objective of this paper is to research the influence of socio-economic status on the personality of students. There are number of problems that are faced by students. Some rather many of them are directly or indirectly related to their socio- economic status and personality. According to Indian Education Commission (1964-66) “ The destiny of India is shaped in her class rooms “ and in order to change the destiny of the nation there is a great need to identify and nurture the personality of students. A class room is composed of students belonging to different subcultures and socio-economic status background. The knowledge of the influence of socio- economic status on personality of students is essential for teachers .The present research is delimited with the sample of 200 students of District Kapurthala. To measure the personality of students Eysenck’s Maudsley Personality Inventory by S.Jalota and S. D. Kapoor was used and to determine the socio-economic status the scale designed by Dr.Beena Shah was used. According to the nature of data Mean ,Standard deviation, Standard error of difference between mean, t- ratio and Anova was applied for the statistical analysis.

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