International Research Journal of Commerce , Arts and Science

 ( Online- ISSN 2319 - 9202 )     New DOI : 10.32804/CASIRJ

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    1 Author(s):  DR. RASHMI CHATURVEDI

Vol -  15, Issue- 7 ,         Page(s) : 342 - 349  (2024 ) DOI :


The rapid advancement of technology has transformed educational practices globally. One of the pivotal innovations in this transformation is the Learning Management System (LMS). For this study investigator constructs a questionnaire and administered on the faculty of Degree College and University of Lucknow district.

Alqahtani, A. Y., & Rajkhan, A. A. (2020). E-learning critical success factors during the COVID-19 pandemic: A comprehensive analysis of e-learning managerial perspectives. Education and Information Technologies, 25(6), 5261-5280.
Dhawan, S. (2020). Online learning: A panacea in the time of COVID-19 crisis. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 49(1), 5-22.

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