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    1 Author(s):  BINDIA RANI

Vol -  8, Issue- 11 ,         Page(s) : 129 - 135  (2017 ) DOI :


ABSTRACT Feminism is a struggle for equality of women, an effort to make a woman like a man in all aspects. The present paper throws the light on the status of women in pre and post independent India to show the present standing on this issue. The views of various authors have been reported to justify the need of feminism for making India, a developed nation. The basic rights of women should be same as that of men and gender biasness need to be completely eradicated for the continuous progress of our country. Patratical Indian society shows ideal women as warm, gentle, dependent and submissive human being.

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  12. Shirwadkar M. (1979), Image of Woman in Indo-Anglican Novel, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

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