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    1 Author(s):  DR. LALITA MISHRA

Vol -  8, Issue- 12 ,         Page(s) : 138 - 153  (2017 ) DOI :


In this case the possible explanation for the prominence of lack of financial resources and time are the most significant parameters that inhibit the entire process of business process management in case of diamond processing industry. The lack or in certain cases absence of support from top management which impede the entire process of implementation of business process management. There are various factors that contribute to senior management resistance in case of diamond processing industry. One more inhibiting factor for business process management adoption is that it is easily recognized in case of diamond processing industry. In this case, lack of technological expertise is also a prime factor that inhibits the implementation of business process management. Also, smaller organizations are not able to afford the costs of hiring business process management technology specialists or information management consultants. If we consider this viewpoint then we come to know the importance of business process management. (Nilsson ,2003)

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