International Research Journal of Commerce , Arts and Science

 ( Online- ISSN 2319 - 9202 )     New DOI : 10.32804/CASIRJ

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    1 Author(s):  RAJA MANNAR

Vol -  9, Issue- 1 ,         Page(s) : 161 - 175  (2018 ) DOI :


Corporate Governance is the set of policies that are created for deciding a company’s performance and direction. It is an overview of rules and regulations for the people in-charge of an incorporated firm. They are the ones who agree to take responsibility towards the shareholders. Corporate governance is a broad term is today’s business environment. The legal outfits of corporate governance can be customized to fit the meticulous choice of each wearer. The present wok is aimed to discuss corporate governance from India’s point of view. In the conclusion, the paper gives a summary of how corporate governance is influencing the present economic condition of India.

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