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    1 Author(s):  ARSHID AHMAD DAR

Vol -  5, Issue- 3 ,         Page(s) : 323 - 328  (2014 ) DOI :


Male and female are the two wheels of the same chariot. The Female of our country have faced the discrimination throughout the ages now and still to be continued till today and still exists in various form. Usually, discrimination is influenced by cultural norms and tradition, religion, region etc. Biologically and sociologically both are assigned different roles. Physically a female role is to look after house, children, family, and relatives and on the other hand men are made for bread earner, for hardship and for struggle for earning. We’ll all these thinking made our women weaker and deprived from basic things. Both are equal in human right. Women are discriminated in this male dominating society. As a result most of women are unable to understand their own right and freedom. They are not free in this so called “SOCIETY’’. Thus discrimination not only hamper women future but also impedes the country growth

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