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Vol -  8, Issue- 10 ,         Page(s) : 326 - 338  (2017 ) DOI :


In today’s changing landscape and contour of global marketing with wide range of social media tools available at our disposal the modern age marketers are shifting their focus from transactional marketing to relationship marketing. It is the expectations of the global customers and modern marketers’ instant reaction to them that lays the foundation of developing and nurturing long term cordial relationships with customers. With all spotlight on building everlasting associations, retention and loyalty, the appropriately named notion of “relationship marketing” is planned and drafted around strong global relations with customers by making them available tailored information as per their aspirations, needs and interests. Its essence being, selling by winning customers instead of selling by yelling. Given the fact that satisfied customers are more committed and less likely to switch, they also tend to be less price conscious and do not mind paying more if they feel they are taken care off

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