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Vol -  8, Issue- 11 ,         Page(s) : 311 - 316  (2017 ) DOI :


After India’s independence there were attempts to reorganize various provinces into different states. The idea behind it was none other than federalism. Hence the government took this a serious issue and restructured in on linguistic plane. The state of Karnataka came into existence on 1st November 1956 and later it was named as Karnataka on 1st November 1973. Even though Hinduism is a major religion of this land, people belonging to other religious beliefs like Jainism, Christianity, Buddists, Muslims all live in harmony. Kannada is the official language here.

1. Source: ShivLal, Elections under the Janata Rule, The Electionnn Archives, New Delhi, 1978, P. 12.
2. 10 S.R. Honnalingaiah, A Handbook of Karnataka, Karnataka Gazettee Department, Bangalore, 2001, P. 60
3. Keesing’s Contemporary Archives, Vol. 31, 1985, P. 33 & 67.
4. S.R. Honnalingaiah, A Handbook of Karnataka, Karnataka Gazetteer Department, Bangalore, 2001, P. 61
5. S.R. Honnalingaiah, A Handbook of Karnataka, Karnataka Gazettee Department, Bangalore, 2001, P. 62.
6. Statistical Report on General Election, 1994 to the Legislativ Assembly of Karnataka Election, Retrieved on 2016-12-01
7. Dr. S. S. Patagundi, Party System in Karnataka’ Karnataka Government and Politics, Editors - Harish Ramaswamy, S.S
8. Patagundi, S.H. Patil Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2007, P. 254. / assembly-electio010101ns/result- karn00ata...
9. Source : Election Commission of India, Statistical Report on General Election 2008 to Legislative Assembly of Karnataka, P. 1
10. Esource: Election Commission of 06 India - Statical Report on General Election 2013 to Testic Assembly of Karnataka P. 11-13.

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