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Vol -  8, Issue- 11 ,         Page(s) : 317 - 328  (2017 ) DOI :


Government of India introduced the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme in the year 1998-99 to provide timely and adequate credit support to the farmers from formal banking system in a flexible, hassle-free and cost- effective manner. This scheme has facilitated the availability of credit in time and has simplified the procedure for availing loan from banks to a large extent. From the year 1998-99, the scheme has implemented by public sector commercial banks, RRBs (Regional Rural Banks) and cooperative banks in the country. It has emerged as a revolutionary credit distribution system to meet the credit requirements of the farmers in a timely and easy manner. The present paper is aimed to study the “performance of Kisan Credit Card in Himachal Pradesh: An Empirical Evaluation.” The study is empirical in nature and primary as well as secondary data have been used to achieve the objectives of the study. The information regarding the perception of beneficiaries of KCC Scheme has been collected through schedule. In order to examine the perception of beneficiaries towards the credit scenario through KCC, Percentage, Mean, standard deviation, variance and standard error of Skewness have been applied.

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