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    1 Author(s):  YADAV MUNNI DEVI

Vol -  8, Issue- 11 ,         Page(s) : 334 - 338  (2017 ) DOI :


Rasa theory of Bharata—in Vedas, rasa means sap or essence—experience of the supreme reality. Seers of the Vedas knew about the need for ‘Sahridayatwa’ to understand poetry. Valmiki’s sloka—overpowered by the intense feeling of pathos—karunarasa of Ramayana—kraunca birds. Bharata lived during the first or second part of the first century B.C. deals with various aspects of dramaturgy. Drama was a much developed art during his times. He gave a proper definition to rasa in his Natyashastra.

1. Ananthamurthy, U. R. Samskara. Trans. A. K. Ramanujana. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2013.
2. René Daumal (1982). Rasa, or, Knowledge of the self: essays on Indian aesthetics and selected Sanskrit studies. 
3. Natalia Lidova (2014). "Natyashastra". Oxford University Press. 
4. Ananda Lal (2004). The Oxford Companion to Indian Theatre. Oxford University Press.
5. Tarla Mehta (1995). Sanskrit Play Production in Ancient India. Motilal Banarsidass.
6. Rowell, Lewis (2015). Music and Musical Thought in Early India. University of Chicago Press.
7. Emmie Te Nijenhuis (1974). Indian Music: History and Structure. BRILL Academic. 
8. Farley P. Richmond; Darius L. Swann; Phillip B. Zarrilli (1993). Indian Theatre: Traditions of Performance. Motilal Banarsidass. 
9. Kapila Vatsyayan (2001). Bharata, the Na?yasastra. Sahitya Akademi. 
10. Kapila Vatsyayan (1974). Indian classical dance. Sangeet Natak Akademi. 
11. Kapila Vatsyayan (2008). Aesthetic theories and forms in Indian tradition. Munshiram Manoharlal. 

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