International Research Journal of Commerce , Arts and Science

 ( Online- ISSN 2319 - 9202 )     New DOI : 10.32804/CASIRJ

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    1 Author(s):  RACHNA

Vol -  5, Issue- 3 ,         Page(s) : 52 - 61  (2014 ) DOI :


Street vendors form a very important segment of informal sector. Street vendors offer goods and services for sale without having a permanent built up structure to satisfy the demands of urban poor’s and urban youth. They ensure the distribution of benefits in favour of the disadvantaged group. The objective of this paper is to identify the causes behind street vending, challenges faced by street vendors, highlight the importance of street vendors, what measures are taken by the Government to prevent the harassment of street vendors by police and other authorities, improvement in the working conditions, social protection and life skill development to improve the level of profitability.

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2. Naik Abhayraj.Contextualizing Urban Livelihood: Street Vending in India.
3.  Bhowmik ,S.K.“Street Vendors”.  Page No.2256-2264
4. Martha Alter Chen. “Women in the Informal Sector:A Global Picture.The Global Management: Labour Market Policies Core Courses {Washington DC, World Bank, 2002}
5. The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2013.
6. Nguyen Ly. A  Capability Approach to Street Vendors in Vietnam {University of Mary Land, CollegePark}
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8. Mobile Food Vendor Requirements. Community Development Department.
9.Saha  Debdulal. Conditions of ‘Decent Working Life’ of Street Vendors in Mumbai.
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16. Monique Cohan, Bhatt Mehir and Pat Horn. Women Street Vendors: The Road to Recognition. Seeds. ISSN. 073-6833.

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