1. Joshi PC "Agrarian Social Structure and Social Change, in India: State and Society, Kurian Mathew: ,K, Orient Langmen Ltd; Mumbai 1975. p-379.
2. Bhawani Sen, Evolution of Agrarian Relations in India, peoples Publishing House,New Delhi, 1962.p-59 In 1763 East India Company took another step to auction the land to the highest bidder i.e. the Zamindar's of Kolkata and 24 Parganas.
3. Vide Census of India 1957 Vol,iv; p-43
4. Cited on Bhivani Sen.op. cit, p-66
5. Ibid.,
6. Ibid.,
7. Under Rayatwari Settelment, the rayat was directly under the state, Land revenue was assessed on each separate holding held by ryot, recognized as proprietor. He can sublct, mortagage or transfer by gift or sale. He Cannot be rejected so long as he pays the fixed assessment. Bhawani Sen,op.cit p.66
8. Ibid.,
9. Final Report of Famine Enquiry Committee, p-289
10. Regulation ix of 1833,p-107
11. Report of the Indian Taxation Enquiry, Committee, 1924-25, Para 96 the Committee evaded the question of buying out all the proprietary rights or those of intermediate holders since enormous financial operations were involved in it.
12. Sen Sunil, Agrarian Relations in India. 1793 to 1947. p.p. House, New Delhi 1971. p-3.
13. Ibid.
14. Mukherjee and Frykenburg, “The Rayatwari System” in Frykenburg. Land Control and Social Structure in Indian History, Oxford University Press. 1969. p-200