International Research Journal of Commerce , Arts and Science

 ( Online- ISSN 2319 - 9202 )     New DOI : 10.32804/CASIRJ

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    1 Author(s):  JITENDER SINGH

Vol -  3, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 326 - 334  (2012 ) DOI :


The present paper discusses priority actions that states can take to improve the health and academic outcomes of their young people. Because every child needs sound preparation for a healthy future, school health programs should be established schools throughout the nation. Convincing children and adolescents to adopt behaviors that reduce their risk for chronic diseases is a continual challenge and should be a goal of all public health programs. Achieving this goal requires that state leaders in public health and education accept the opportunity and responsibility to effectively implement and improve school health programs.

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2. Kirchner, G. (1998). Physical education for elementary school children. Wm. C. Brown.
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5. Landy, J.M. & Landy, M.J. (1993). Ready-to-use PE Activities for Grades 5-6. Parker.
6. Landy, J.M. & Landy, M.J. (1993). Ready-to-use PE Activities for Grades 7-9. Parker.
7. Pangrazi, R.P (2004). Dynamic physical education for elementary school children. Pearson: Benjamin and Cumming.
8. Alldridge, D. & Fisher, R. (1994). Active PE. Book 2. Hemel Hempstead: Simon & Schuster Education.
9. Buschner, C.A. (1994). Teaching children movement concepts and skills: becoming a master teacher. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
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11. Severs, J. (1993). Activities for PE using small apparatus. Simon and Schuster Education.

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